• Research concerning the geometry and technology of toothing the worm face gear with reverse tapered pinion (Cercetări privind geometria şi tehnologia de danturare a angrenajelor melcate frontale cu conicitate inversă)”, Author: eng. Bogdan BUCUR, Scientific advisor: Prof dr eng. Vasile BOLOŞ, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 04.05.2012; 
  • Contribution to the optimization of worm face gear processing technology (Contribuţii privind optimizarea tehnologiei de prelucrare a angrenajului melc – roată plană cu axe încrucişate), Author: eng. Emil-Nicolae MUNTEAN, Scientific advisor: Prof dr eng. ing. Vencel-Iosif CSIBI, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 06.11.2009; 
  • Contributions to the modeling, simulation and experimentation of worm-face gear drives with localized contact(Contribuţii privind modelarea, simularea şi experimentarea angrenajelor melc-roata plană cu contact localizat), Author: Ileana Dacia NAPĂU, Scientific advisor: Prof dr eng. Vistrian MĂTIEŞ, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 18.10.2005; 
  • Contributions to the study of worm-face gear (Contribuţii la studiul angrenajului melc-roată plană)”, Author: eng. Ioan NAPĂU, Scientific advisor: Prof.dr.eng. Viorel HANDRA-LUCA, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 27.03.1999; 
  • Research on hobbing of conical spiroid wheel (Cercetări privind tehnologia de danturare a roţilor melcate spiroide conice)”, Author: eng. Codruţa BOLOŞ, Scientific advisor: Prof.dr.eng.Gheorghe PETRICEANU, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 15.12.1995; 
  • Research on kinematics and  manufacturing technology of spiroid gears(Cercetări cu privire la cinematica şi tehnologia de fabricaţie a angrenajelor melcate spiroide)”, Author: eng. Vasile BOLOŞ, Scientific advisor: Prof.dr.eng.Gheorghe PETRICEANU, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Public dissertation: 16.11.1985.